CaLS(Computer aided Legal Studies) Guest Speech at the Custom House(Extention of University of Qeensland, Brisbane Australia, joining Prof. Puri's class for LL.M students on March 7th(Tue) 2000

On March 7 (Tue), at the Custom House near the Brisbane River, from 5:30-6:00pm
Guest Speaker: Hirofumi Ito,
Assistant Professor of Law, Toyohashi Sozo Junior College

The Custom House near the Brisbane River
The Custom House(Extention of University of Queensland), Brisbane Australia

Professor Kamal Puri at T.C. Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland and Hirofumi ITO,
at the Custom House on March 7th (Tue) 2000
Prof. Kamal Puri and I
All the students joining the class
All the students joining Prof. Puri's class for LL.M students on March 7th(Tue) 2000

For the handout,"Some reflections on the Japanese Patent System", click Here !
For the material,"Outline of Industrial Property System(PDF file 923Kbyte)", click Here !
Thank you so much to all.


Last Modified 04/13/2004 08:04:35